Our Rules & Regulations
General Information for Parents
Monitoring your Child's HealthCheck if your child/ward is well before he/she leaves for school every day. If they show symptoms of being unwell, please take him/her to the doctor and allow him/her to rest at home for the full duration indicated on the Medical Certificate (MC). Ensure that your child/ward recovers fully before returning to school.
- Absence from School
If a student is absent from school, he/she must provide a medical certificate or letter signed by parents explaining the reason for his/her absence from school.Parents are strongly discouraged to take their children out of school for non-essential travels or family functions during the school term. Students must learn the habit of commitment and diligence and the importance of being present in school during term time.
- Student’s Absence on Assessment/Examination Days
If a student has a fever or looks visibly unwell, he/she will not be allowed to sit for examinations / assessments. Parents will be contacted to take him/her home. Students should practise social responsibility and stay away from crowds when they are unwell to prevent the spread of diseases or illnesses.If a student is absent for any examination / assessment, he/she must produce a valid medical certificate or other valid documents upon return to school. Medical certificates from TCM and parents’ letters are not valid for such examinations and assessments. Students will be given zero mark if no medical certificates or valid documents are provided for his/her absence. The school will not conduct a make-up for Written examinations/assessments.
- Leaving the School before Dismissal Time
Students are not allowed to leave the school before dismissal time without approval by the school. If parents are picking up their child/ward who is unwell or needs to leave school before dismissal time, they are required to complete and submit the Early Departure Form at the General Office. This will ensure safety of the child and that he/she leaves with his/her parent or an authorised adult.For any planned early dismissal, advance notice must be given in writing to the respective Form Teachers.
- Visits to the School
All parents or guardians are to obtain a Visitor Pass from the security guards at the main gate before they proceed to the General Office for assistance. Parents/Guardians are not allowed in any other locations within the school premises without permission.If parents would like to speak with the Form/Co-Form/Subject teachers, prior appointment must be made. This is to ensure an uninterrupted and fruitful discussion. Parents can also contact the teachers via phone or email.Students are encouraged to act responsibly by taking ownership in packing their bags every day and bringing the required books/materials to school. Parents/domestic helpers are discouraged from delivering any omitted items to our students during school hours.
- Road Safety
Parents who are driving into the school compound to drop their child/ward must abide by the school safety rules. Do co-operate with the security guard or school personnel to ensure an overall safe and smooth traffic flow. Please drop your child/ward only at the designated drop-off points.Do not sound the horn within the school compound.Teach your child how to alight from the car as quickly as possible so as not to hold up the flow of traffic into the school.If you and your child are cycling to school, please dismount at the school gate to avoid hitting pedestrians who are walking through the gates. Students who need to cycle to school must seek permission from HOD Student Management.For the safety of our staff and students, the school reserves the right to stop any errant drivers from entering the school premises.
- Facilitating Birthday Celebrations and/or Distribution of gifts to students
The school is unable to accede to requests from parents to assist in facilitating parties or distributing gifts to celebrate your children’s birthdays. While the school understands that the occasion is special to children, the school would like to seek parents’ understanding in not bringing food or gifts for their children’s classmates. The school needs to be careful about the students’ dietary needs and food tolerance as well as to care for the emotional well-being of students who are unable to have the opportunity of distributing gifts to their school/classmates. The school seeks the parents’ understanding and cooperation on this matter.
General Expectations for Students
- Students are expected to be courteous and respectful to all the staff, visitors and their peers at all times.
- Students must show pride and uphold the good name of the school by ensuring that they are at their best behaviour in school or in public.
- Students must not loiter in public places in their school uniform and should return home directly if they have no more school-based activities.
- As a form of respect, students are to stand up to greet the teacher when he/she enters the room, and thank him/her when he/she has completed the lesson and leaves the room.
- Students are expected to walk in a quiet and orderly manner when moving from one location to another.
- Students must be attentive while lessons are being conducted.
- Students are responsible for the cleanliness of their respective classrooms and school at all times. Litter should be disposed of in the receptacles provided.
- Students must queue up when buying food or drinks in the canteen or stationery at the bookshop.
- Students are not allowed to bring any items or materials that will disrupt their learning process. Items or materials containing any inappropriate content are also disallowed in school. Should any of these items/materials be found in a student’s possession, the school reserves the right to confiscate them and will only be returned to the student’s parents/guardians.
- Students are not allowed to be in any rooms or the school hall unaccompanied by a teacher.
Punctuality and Attendance
- Punctuality is a habit that must be instilled from young. Students must be punctual for school and for all school-planned activities. Students should assemble at the respective assembly areas before 7.30 a.m. Flag raising will be conducted at 7.30 a.m. sharp. Any student who arrives later than that will be considered late.
- Students are not allowed to leave the school compound during curriculum hours without permission. This includes those who are attending after-school activities in the afternoon (e.g. CCA, Remedial, Supplementary, RRP, SDR). They are not allowed to leave the school premises for lunch unless permission has been sought from the teachers.
- All students must participate in the flag-raising and pledge taking ceremony at the start of the day. Students who are Singapore Citizens must sing the National Anthem and take the National Pledge. Students will take the pledge with the right fist placed over the heart.
- Students must attend every session of the CCA they have been assigned to. Valid reason(s) must be given for their absence from CCA.
School Attire & Appearance
There must be uniformity in appearance when students come to school. Please refer to the photos to see how the school uniform and PE attire should be worn.
- Students are to wear the school uniform (PE attire inclusive) and modification to the uniform or PE attire is not allowed.
- Name tags must be sewn onto students’ uniforms and PE T-shirts.
- Only prescribed school PE T-shirts and shorts are allowed during PE lessons and official sports activities.
- All P1 to P6 boys and P1 to P4 girls are allowed to be in their PE attire throughout the day only on the days they have PE lessons.
- For P5 and P6 girls, they are to be in their PE T-shirts with their school skirts before and after their PE lessons.
- Coloured track shoes are only allowed for official sports activities.
- All students are not allowed to wear jewellery, cosmetics, and accessories e.g. beads around the wrist, coloured strings and bangles.
- Spectacles worn by students should not become an outstanding feature on their face. As such the spectacles worn should not be outlandish in color, design or size. Coloured contact lens are not allowed.


Prohibited Items and Safety in School
- All students are not allowed to have in their possession any weapons. They are also not allowed to bring any weapon-like items which can be used or intended to be used to cause harm to others. Action will be taken against students who possess these weapons.
- Unauthorized electronic, communication, entertainment or gaming devices capable of capturing, storing, displaying and/or transmitting visual, audio or verbal information are not allowed in the school compound regardless of the time of the day. Examples of prohibited items include mobile phones, cameras, tablets and smart wrist watches. The school will not be held responsible for the loss of students’ electronic devices. Unauthorized use of electronic devices will be confiscated and will only be returned to the student’s parent/guardian. Disciplinary action will be taken against students for irresponsible or inappropriate use of devices.
- Students are not allowed to bring mobile phones to school. If students need to bring their mobile phones due to valid reasons, parents must seek permission from the Form Teacher. The mobile phone must be switched off in school and can only be used after they leave the school premises following their dismissal from school. The student must be responsible in taking care of his own belongings.
- If a teacher has authorised the use of electronic devices for educational purposes, students must use them responsibly and in compliance with the school’s anti-bullying and anti-cyberbullying policies. Students must not photograph, video or record students or staff members without permission.
- The school has zero tolerance for bullying. Bullying includes physical, psychological and cyber in nature. The school will mediate and counsel students involved in bullying. The school will take serious action against students who repeatedly hurt others despite counselling, mediation and warning.
- Students are expected to follow all safety guidelines.