Partnering with Mendaki Tuition Scheme (MTS)
Partnering with Yayasan Mendaki for Tuition Programme
Yayasan MENDAKI is the pioneer self-help group in providing tuition for the public. MTS aims to provide quality and affordable tuition to help students achieve better results in their school and national exams. MTS is aligned with MOE's curriculum and provides additional developmental activities.
Fuchun Primary School has been a centre for Mendaki Tuition Scheme on Saturdays for many years to provide tuition programme to students in the neighbourhood. However, since 3 years ago, Fuchun Primary have also been partnering Mendaki to provide additional support on Wednesday afternoons specifically for our Fuchunians in building their foundation in Mathematics. This year, we have opened this opportunity to the P4 to P6 students.
The school and MTS work together to customise the lessons such that the tutors will work on our students’ targeted areas for improvement by focusing on specific topics/skills which have been pre-identified by the school. Mendaki tutors will come in on Wednesday afternoons to engage the students meaningfully for 1.5h.
Eligibility criteria
Singaporean or Singapore Permanent Resident.
Muslim students: No income criteria.
Eligibility Criteria for non-Muslim Students registering for MTS:
Chinese students - MHI $4,800 &/or PCI $1,400 and below
Eurasian students - PCI $1,200 and below
Indian students - no eligibility criteria
The tuition fees have been reduced to a one-time $10 registration fee per student per year, to make it more affordable and accessible to all. This $10 fee is applicable to:
All Malay/Muslim students
Chinese students with gross MHI of $4,800 and below and/or gross PCI of $1,400 and below
All Indian students with PCI $1,000 and above
Note: Eurasian students with gross PCI of $1,200 and below need not pay any fees.
The details are as follows:
Day: Wednesdays (the confirmed dates will be shared with registered students)
Time: 2.15pm to 3.45pm
Commencement date:
P4: 26 Mar 2025
P5&6: 5 Feb 2025
P4: 13 Mar 2024