Safety on School Buses
Safety Rules
• Students are to obey the instructions of the bus driver and assistant at all times.
• Students must be respectful to the bus driver and assistant and cooperate at all times.
• Students are only allowed to board and leave the bus at pre-agreed stops.
• Students are assembled first and attendance taken before being led to their respective school bus.
Procedures for Waiting for the Bus
• Be on time at the designated pick-up point.
• Stand on the sidewalk or away from the roadway while waiting for the bus.
• When the bus approaches, form a line and be prepared to board immediately.
• Stand clear of the bus until it comes to a complete stop.
• Parents should instruct their children on the procedures to follow if they miss the bus.
Procedures for Boarding the Bus
• Do not push or shove.
• Use the handrail and steps.
Conduct on the Bus
• Remain seated at all times. Standing is strictly prohibited.
• Scuffling, fighting, and the use of obscene, vulgar or profane language and gestures are
• Do not play in the bus at all time. If any article drops or rolls near or under the bus, do not go
after it. Go to the front of the bus and ask the driver for help.
• Do not throw objects inside or outside of the bus.
• Having normal conversation is permitted; however, loud noises may distract the driver.
• Students should sit facing forward for the duration of the trip, and shall keep their feet on the
floor in front of them and out of the bus aisle.
• Where provided, students are to put on seat belts at all times.
Getting off the Bus
• Stay seated until the bus has completely stopped.
• Do not push or shove.
• Use the handrail and steps.
Crossing the Street or Road
• Check for traffic in both directions before crossing the road.
• Do not cross the road directly in front of or directly behind the bus.
• Where possible, cross all streets at intersections. Obey all traffic signals and signs.